
Marianna Kong

Uncle Nat was always the “cool uncle”, the fun one. He was first person to ever spend money buying tickets for my cousin Naomi & I to go on ...

Joseph Kong

Anyone who knows me and my parents knows that I’m definitely more like my dad than my mom, but I didn’t realize how many habits and mannerisms I...

Bethany Kong

My dad was precious in the sight of God.

In my Bible reading, I was reading through Luke in chapters 11 and 12, everything I read just p...

Wanchi Kong

What touched me the most about Nat and what captured my heart is his absolute love for the Lord and the ministry of this age. Our first date in ...

Jonathan Kong

“All the way my Savior leads me”

This song is the experience of my youngest son, Nathaniel Kong. He was born during the flood in October...

Joanna Kong

Nat and I were the youngest in our family. Growing up, I would always agree to race my kid brother because I knew I would win. But as we got old...

Jessica Kong

Every kid should be lucky enough to have a fun uncle and Uncle Nat was that uncle. Before he was married, he lived around the corner from us. W...

Dan Kong

We grew up in a home where Christ, and by extension His Body, the church, was central. However, I noticed that the Lord started to do a deeper w...

Naomi Kong

It feels wrong to write this. I know in my head that God is sovereign, but in my heart there isn’t room for Uncle Nat to be remembered with stor...